Australian Business Registry Services is now accepting applications for Director Identification Numbers (DIN), with the fastest way to apply being online at the ABRS website with a myGovID.

Here, we answer some frequently asked questions that have been raised so far.

What if I don’t have a myGovID?

If you don’t already have a myGovID you can create one by clicking here and following the prompts. You must have a smart device to download the myGovID app, an email address, and ID documents sufficient to achieve standard or strong identity strength.  The ID documents can include your passport, birth certificate, driver’s licence or Medicare Card.

What if I don’t want a MyGovID?

If you don’t want to create a myGovID, you can apply for a Director Identification Number over the phone or by completing a paper form and mailing it to ABRS,  Applying using a myGovID, however, is the preferred and quickest option.

Where do I apply for a Director Identification Number?

You apply for your Director Identification Number at the ABRS website.  It is important to type this directly in your browser to avoid any phishing or scam links that might be using this opportunity to try to obtain your TFN or other personal information.

The URL for the ABRS website is

What do I need to provide in my application?

You will need to provide some information that the ATO already holds, such as your TFN and residential address, as well as two identification documents.  If you set up strong identification when creating your myGovID you don’t need to provide two identification documents when applying for your Director Identification Number.

If you want to check that the ATO holds for you is correct please contact us.  This is important as if the details are out of date or there is a simple spelling error your application will fail.

How long does an application take?

The application process for a Director Identification Number takes less than five minutes when completed using a myGovID.

Can my tax agent or ASIC agent apply for me?

Unfortunately Tax Agents and ASIC Agents are not given any privileges in assisting with Director Identification Number applications.  We can, however, assist you with your application by confirming your personal information held by the ATO is accurate and current.

When do I need to apply by?

Existing company directors have until 30 November 2022 to apply for a Director Identification Number, provided they are not appointed to any new roles in that period.  New and existing Directors appointed between 1 November 2021 and 4 April 2022 must apply within 28 days of their appointment.

From 5 April 2022, all individuals who are to be appointed as a director must already have a Director Identification Number.

Who can see my Director Identification Number?

Only staff employed by the ATO Registry can view your Director Identification Number.  This number is not searchable by Tax Agents or ASIC Agents.

Where is my Director Identification Number used?

At this stage, Director Identification Numbers are not expected to be used prior to the migration of the ASIC database to the Australian Business Registry Services database toward the end of 2023.

Who needs to know my Director Identification Number?

If we are your Tax Agent and/or ASIC Agent it would be beneficial for us to record your Director Identification Number, however we do not need to supply it to any reporting agencies at this time.  Do not provide your Director Identification Number to anyone apart from your professional advisors.

How do I link all my companies to my Director Identification Number?

The ABRS has advised that this will take place automatically, however issues will be encountered where the details held by ASIC don’t match the details of your Director Identification Number.  This could be a different residential address, a typo, or an incorrect place of birth or date of birth.  We strongly recommend contacting us to undertake an individual search of your records to ensure the information held across all of your entities is correct.

Further questions

We will surely encounter further questions as applications are lodged, and will keep you informed on any facts that need to be shared.

In the meantime, please contact us if you need guidance with your application or would like us to check that the details on your company registers are correct.

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